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Tayseer al-Wusool Ilaa Qawa'id al-Usool wa Ma'aaqid al-Fusool 

(تيسير الوصول إلى قواعد الأصول ومعاقد الفصول)
written by al-Imaam 'Abdul al-Mu'min bin 'Abdul Haqq al-Baghdadi al-Hanbali (658-739) Explanation by 'Abdullah bin Saalih al-Fawzaan. This is the second printing of the book by Dar Ibn al-Jowzi (KSA) printed on 510 pages of Yellow paper. 

Tayseer al-Wusool Ilaa Qawa'id al-Usool wa Ma'aaqid al-Fusool تيسير الوصول

SKU: 6287015574267

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