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Mashaari' Al-Ashwaaq Ila Masaari' Al-Ushaaq was written by Ahmad Ibrahim Muhammad al Dimashqi al Dumyatee (-1411) He was a scholar and a mujahid who was killed fighting the Roman army. He was commonly known as ibn Nuhaas. His birth was not known. The scholar Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (Rahimahullaah ta'alaa), the author of the great commentary on Bukharee wrote that, He was inseparable from Jihad in the front line of Demyat, and this is a perfect and excellent quality. As-Sakhawi wrote, "He strove in doing good, and preferred obscurity, he did not become proud because of his knowledge, on the contrary maybe those who did not know him would think him to be a commoner, with his pleasant appearance, beautiful beard, stocky and even body, he participated much in Ribat and Jihad until he was martyred". Abu Imaad States: “The Shaykh, the Imam, the scholar and the example.” During the year of 814 hijri, the Roman army attacked the people of At-Teenah, a village in Egypt, and the people of Dumyat marched to their help, the most notable of them being Ibn-Nuhaas. There then flared an immense battle between the two sides and Ibn-Nuhaas was killed whilst attacking the enemy. Shaykh Muhammad Al-Madkhalee (Haafidhullaah ta'alaa) says that it is the best book on the issue of Jihaad. Ibn Nahaas' Most famous work is Mashaari' al-Ashwaaq Ila Masaari' al-Ushaaq which is printed by Dar al-Bashaa'ir al-Islaamiyyah on 1227 yellow pages in one huge volume. 

Mashaari' al-Ashwaaq Ila Masaari' al-Ushaaq مشارع الأشواق إلى مصارع العشاق

Productcode: 9786144370216
  • عنوان الكتاب: مشارع الأشواق إلى مصارع العشاق ومثير الغرام إلى دار السلام
    المؤلف: أبو زكريا أحمد بن إبراهيم بن محمد الدمشقي الدمياطي المشهور بابن النحاس

    محمد خالد إسطنبولي
    حالة الفهرسة: غير مفهرس
    سنة النشر: 1410 - 1990
    عدد المجلدات: 2
    رقم الطبعة: 1

    عدد الصفحات: 1228
     نبذة عن الكتاب: - تم دمج المجلدين في ملف واحد للتسلسل.

    - أصل هذا الكتاب رسالة ماجستير.


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