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Mahiyyah al-'Illah ash-Shar'iyyah wa Hukm Takhsisiha 'Anda al-Usooliyyeen
ماهية العلة الشرعية وحكمة تخصيصها عند الأصولين

This book is a book that discusses the Usool al-Fiqh principle "al-Illah" which loosely translates as "Reason" which is closely associated with Qiyaas. The book explains it rulings and special relationship it has among the Usoolieen. Printed in Beirut on 159 pages of yellow paper. 

Mahiyyah al-'Illah ash-Shar'iyyah ماهية العلة الشرعية وحكمة تخصيصها عند الأصولين

Productcode: 9789947481549

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