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A Beneficial List of Some Of The Classical Books in 'Aqeedah

Writer's picture: DaruAbeeAbdilMalikDaruAbeeAbdilMalik

1) Kitaabul-Eemaan by the Imaam and mujtahid, Abu 'Ubayd al-Qaasim ibn Salaam (d.224H)

2) Kitaabul-Eemaan by the Imaam Ib Abee Shaybah (d.235H)

3) Usoolus -Sunnah and Ar-Radd 'alal Jahmiyyah waz-Zanaadaqah by the Imaam of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jammah Ahmad bin Hanbal (d.241H)

4) Khalq Afaalul-Ibaad, Kitaabul-Eeemaan and Kitabut-Tawheed (the last two being part of al-Jaami us-Saheeh) by Imaam al-Bukharee (d.256H).

5) As-Sunnah by the student of Imaam Ahmad, Abu Bakr al-Athram (d.273H)

6) Kitaabus-Sunnah (being part of the Sunan) by the faqeeh and Imaam Ibn Abu Dawood as -Sijistaanee (d.275H)

7) Al-Ikhtilaaf fee Ladfh war-Radd 'alal-Jahmiyyah by imaam Ibn Qutaybah (d.276H)

8) Asl us-Sunnah by the haafidh and Imaam, Abu Haatim ar-Raazee (d.277H)

9) Ar-Radd 'alal Jayhmiyyah by Imaam ad-Daarimee (d.280H)

10) As-Sunnah by the qaadee and haafidh, Ibn Abee 'Aasim (d.287H)

11) As-Sunnah by the haafidh ,Abdullah ibn Imaam Ahmad (d.290H)

12) As-Sunnah by the qaadee and muhaddith AbuBakr al-Maroozee (d.292H)

13) As-Sunnah by the student of Imaam Ahmad, al-Marwaazee (d.292H)

14) Sareehus-Sunnah by the mujtahid, mufassir and Imaam , Ibn Jareer at-Tabaree (d.310H)

15) Kitaabut-Tawheed wa Ithbaat Sifaatur-Rabb by the faqeeh and Imaam, Ibn Khuzaymah (d.311H)

16) Aqeedatut-Tahaawiyyah by the Imaam Abu Jafar at-Tahaawee (d.321H)

17) Al-Maqaalatul-Islamiyeen, Ar-Risaalah ilaa Ahlth-Thaghr and Al-Ibaanah 'an Usoolid-Diyaanah by Imaam Abul-Hasan al-Asharee (d.324H)

18) Sharhus-Sunnah by the Imaam of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jammah in his time, Imaam al-Barbaaharee (d.329H)

(19) Kitaab us-Sunnah by the qaadee, Abu Ahmad al-Asaal(d.349H)

(20) Ash-Shareeah by the faqeeh and Imaam, Abu Bakr al-Aajuree(d.360H)

(21) Itiqaad Aimmatul-Hadeeth by the faqeeh and Imaam, Abu Bakr al-Ismaeelee(d.371H)

(22) Kitaabus-Sifaat and Kitaabun-Nuzool by the haafidh, the Imaam, ad-Daaraqutnee(d.385H)

(23) Al-Ibaanah 'an Sharee'atil Firqatin -Naajiyah and Sharhul-Ibaanah 'an Usoolis-Sunnah wad-Diyaanah by the haafidh,the faqeeh, Imaam Battah al-Akbaree (d.387H)

(24) Kitaabut-Tawheed and ar-Radd'alal-Jahmiyyah both by the haafidh and Imaam, Ibn Mandah (d.395H)

(25) Sharh Usool Itiqaad Ahlus-Sunnah Wal Jamaah by the haafidh and faqeeh, Imaam al-Laalilkaa'ee (d.428H)

(26) Al-Wusool ilaa Maarifatil-Istiwaa by Imaam Abu 'Amr at-Talamankee al-Andalusee (d.429H)

(27) Al-Itiqaad by Abu Nuaym al-Ashbaanee (d.430H)

(28) Risaalah fee Ithbaatil-Istiwaa by Imaam Abu Muhammad al-Juwaynee (d.438H)

(29) Aqeedatus-Salaf Ashaabul-Hadeeth by the haafidh and Imaam, Abu Uthmaan as-Saboonee (d.449H)

(30) Al-I'tqaad alaa Madhabis-Salaf Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaah by Imaam al-Bayhaaqee (d.457H)

(31) Dhammul-Kalaam by the haafidh and faqeeh, Shaykh ul-Islaam Abu Ismaeel al-Harawee (d.481H)



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